Peace Plans to Solve the Arab Israel Conflict

April 04, 2013

Today when the “Big 4” (US, UN, EU and Russia) talk to Israel about peace they base the talks on UN resolution 242 and 338 in which Israel must give up land for peace. Every time the USA proposes peace talks they expect Israel to give up the Biblical Mountains of Israel. GOD gave Israel the West Bank in the miraculous Six Day War in 1967 and if they give it back it would not please GOD.

If the USA pushes Israel to give land for peace we will suffer the consequences. During the George Bush Presidency when he pushed Israel the USA suffered many hurricanes and tragedies. William Koenig wrote a book about these tragedies titled “Eye to Eye”. The Book is basically a news documentation of hurricanes and tornado outbreaks that happened when the Bush administration pushed Israel to give up land for peace. It is a very interesting history and I recommend this amazing book.

When I started reading the book “Eye to Eye” I was a big skeptic. Israel is constantly in the news and so are catastrophes. But two things made me a believer.

1. GOD does judge the nations in the Bible. In I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles GOD judged the Kings or Governments of Israel and Judah. Did they do right in the sight of the LORD or did they do evil? If they did evil they suffered the consequences and were judged of GOD. GOD not only judges Israel’s leaders but He judges those nations who persecute Israel like Egypt, Syria, Assyria and Babylon. The Ottoman Turkish Empire is gone. The British Empire has faded because they treated Israel wrong during the British occupation from 1917 to 1948. Germany suffered because it made The Jewish people suffer. The Soviet Union is no more because they did not let “My People go”.
2. No Hurricanes hit the USA in 2006. The book went to press before that date. The weather authorities predicted that in the summer of 2006 we would have at least 18 tropical storms and possibly 12 of them would turn into Hurricanes and several would strike the USA. But no Hurricanes struck the USA that year! Why? Because Hezbullah attacked an Israeli Military outpost and Killed 4 solders and captured 2 others. Israel demanded the 2 solders be returned. Negotiations did not bring their release. Israel was sure Hezbullah would try to send the 2 captives to Syria or Iran. In order to stop them they began to bomb the roads to Syria and the Syrian border crossings. They also bombed the Beirut Airport and some northern seaports. Hezbullah rockets began to fall on all of the northern cities of Israel. It was not a time for peace negotiations and because no one was pushing Israel to give up the Mountains of Israel therefore no Hurricanes struck the USA in 2006 as predicted.

Today every time one of our American leaders goes to Israel to talk about Peace according to UN Resolution 242 (Land for Peace) and the creation of a Palestinian State, I wonder what consequences we in the USA will have to pay.


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