Why are We Baptists for Israel?

Mary Crotts October 01, 2012

The Scriptures tell us "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" (Gen. 12:1-3).  Even though Israel has made mistakes, God is still working on behalf of the people, because He promised He would and God keeps His promises. Baptists for Israel joins in the blessing of the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

Historically we have examples of what happens to nations that have turned their backs on the Jewish people.   We could make a long list starting with Babylon and ending with The British Empire.  Following World War 1 the British issued and implemented the Balfour Declaration which made Israel a homeland for the Jewish people.  Then a new election turned their loyalty to the Arab world and they abandoned the Balfour Declaration. Before World War 1 their Empire was so big that “the sun never set on the British Empire.”  The British navy ruled the seas.  Today this is not true.  We desire our nation to be a blessing to Israel so that our nation might have God’s blessing.

At present the U.S. is still an ally and friend of Israel.  But if our economy continues to worsen, the government and the people will be looking for a scapegoat.  It was an economic disaster in Germany that brought Adolph Hitler to power.  He promised to solve all their economic problems. His scapegoat was the Jewish people, who he claimed caused all their economic disaster.  The Scripture predicts a world-wide dictator will come to power.  But praise God this also points to the soon return of Messiah.  God will take care of those who trust Him until we are raptured.  Let us hope we don’t have an economic disaster, but is hard to understand at this time how it can be prevented.  Baptists for Israel desires all believers to continue to support Israel.   

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